5.8 Record Types for Single Record Block Variants

  • 5.8.1 SR01.01 — SRB Record Type for the Basic Audio Profile for Download Models

  • 5.8.2 SR02.01 — SRB Record Type for the Basic Audio Profile for Streaming Model

  • 5.8.3 SR03.01 — Basic SRB Record Type for the UGC Profile

  • 5.8.4 SR04.01 — SRB Record Type for the Audio-visual Profile for Download Models

  • 5.8.5 SR05.01 — SRB Record Type for the Audio-visual Profile for Streaming Models

  • 5.8.6 SR06.01 — SRB Record Type for the UGC Profile for Ad-supported and Streaming Models

  • 5.8.7 SR07.01 — Single Record Block Record for the Masterlist Profile

  • 5.8.8 SR08.01 – Single Record Block Record Type for Financial Reporting to Record Companies