5.5.4 CU02 – Cue Record for Graphical and Literary Works
This Record provides details about Cues of Creations used in video Resources that are part of an audio-visual Release.
Cell Name | Field Definition | Data Type | M/O/C | Example | |
1 |
| The Type of the Record; always to contain “CU02” | Fixed string | M | CU02 |
2 |
| The Identifier (specific to the Message) of the Block that this Records belongs to. All Records in a single Block shall have the same BlockId | String | M | 7 |
3 |
| The Identifier (specific to the Block) of the Record describing the Resource for which the Cue is reported reported. | String | M | 4 |
4 |
| The ProprietaryIdentifier of the Work assigned by the MessageSender. | String | M | 2134235243 |
5 |
| Complementary Identifier(s) of the Work This field can be prefixed with a reference code. ProprietaryWorkId is mandatory when available to the MessageSender This field is important for MessageRecipients for their processing and would ideally be mandatory in this Standard. However, as there are rare cases where licensees genuinely do not have this information, DDEX has decided to mark these Cells as “Conditional”. | MultiString | C | GETTY::P15423890432|ref::1548934566 |
6 |
| The ReferenceTitle of the Work | String | M | Stade de France |
7 |
| The Type of the Work. | AVS | M | LiteraryWork |
8 |
| The date when the image resource was created, or when it was first released, in the ISO 8601 format: YYYY[-MM[-DD]]. CreationOrReleaseDate is mandatory when available to the MessageSender | ISO date | C | 1995 |
9 |
| The Name of a Contributor of the Work used. The order of the individual strings in WorkContributorName and WorkContributorId shall be the same so that the recipient is able to relate names and IDs correctly. | Multiple strings | M | Michel Macary |
10 |
| The PartyId of the WorkContributor. The order of the individual strings in WorkContributorName and WorkContributorId shall be the same so that the recipient is able to relate names and IDs correctly; a maximum of one WorkContributorId can be provided for each WorkContributor. | Multiple PartyID | O | ISNI::0000000081266409 |
11 |
| Role of the Work Contributor | Multiple AVS | M | Architect |
12 |
| The time of the broadcast of the Work used in ISO 8601 format To be filled depending on the type of Work | ISO8601 | C | T01:03:00Z |
13 |
| The Duration of the broadcast of the Work used in ISO 8601 format To be filled depending on the type of Work | ISO duration | C | PT2M5S |
14 |
| Number of characters of the text used To be provided depending on the type of Work. Only to be provided if text is not presented as part of an audio-visual Resource (e.g. as text on a website). | String | C | 1500 |
15 |
| Language and character code used for the text To be provided if LengthOfText is provided. | String | C | fr |
16 |
| The Name of the Publisher of the Work Publisher name is mandatory when available to the MessageSender This field is important for MessageRecipients for their processing and would ideally be mandatory in this Standard. However, as there are rare cases where licensees genuinely do not have this information, DDEX has decided to mark these Cells as “Conditional”. | String | C | Galimard |
17 |
| The PartyId of the Publisher | String | O | ISNI::000000007654345 |
18 |
| The Name of the Producer of the Work | String | O | FTVStudio |
19 |
| The PartyId of the Producer | String | O | ISNI::00000000352444 |